100+ Inmates

‘I am writing to say a big thank you,’ began the letter we recently received from an inmate who had completed an OF program. The team has worked with over 100 inmates weekly for the past nine months. The same group of inmates will cycle through around six OF programs during a specific quarter before being moved to the next stage.

That’s a lot of lives to be prayerful about and pour into. While our rehabilitation programs provide the framework for the interactions, each group is unique, and no week is ever the same.

The letter continued, ‘…by taking responsibility, accepting, admitting, confessing and repenting, I have begun the healing process. Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in this program. It has allowed me to self-reflect and see where I need to put effort into fixing and repairing, not only within myself but also with my family.’

The writer of the letter went on in to share his appreciation that the program was founded on biblical principles and scriptures that encouraged him to re-engage with the mercy and grace of God.

Allocating our resources and capacity for this ongoing demand is a critical focus. However, what also remains a priority is the team's professional development and their ability to maintain emotional and spiritual health.

This coming week the team are deployed across various correctional centres sharing the good news through our rehabilitation programs.