‘How can I trust God for restoration? All my family are angry with me and may not want to restore.’ As the OF team encounter these real questions, they are trained to slow their response to first encounter and observe the living humanity of the person with the question.
Too long for restoration means that one is painfully aware of a breach or brokenness. It speaks of longing for something Divine to amend and overcome the limits of the human condition. In straightforward terms, it speaks to hunger…a hunger for an experience of what is right.
The impact of rehabilitation programs in prisons cannot be fabricated; the tide of sinful dysfunction and appetites is too pervasive. If transformation is to be real, it needs to be anchored in truth, and Proverbs 4:19 is one trumpet cry to reality - ‘but the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.’ Impact is struck into a flame of new truth when the prisoner encounters the limits and failure within themselves and the hope found in the abundant love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
‘I had a lot of doubts about this program, but now, after having gone through it, I have learned so much. I learned a lot of truth - about God and about myself. I finally believe I know God and am willing to obey him!’ Statements like this become evidence of a new living work forged in the Life that became the light of all mankind, shining in the darkness and overcoming the darkness.
Each Friday, the OF team writes and shares their week of interactions, encouragements, and impacts. Last Thursday, in an intense and vulnerable session on forgiveness, thirty men became so impacted that they decided and declared, without prompting, to become followers of the one who forgives - Jesus.
Operation Foundation is committed to restoring lives and communities to God's glory. Thank you for supporting the activity of impact!